StorySense徵Senior Algorithm Developer

Tuesday, September 10, 2013 » StorySense, Authored by Lucemia

StorySense 是一家以人工智慧技術為背景的公司。本團隊以 “Making Grandpa-Friendly Computers”(創造阿公阿嬤都覺得簡單好用的智慧型軟體)為願景,開發具語言分析及故事理解能力的應用軟體,期許能夠幫助使用者消化整理網路上大量的資料、簡化使用流程,並創造簡單方便的使用經驗。

已發表的 WhatsTheNumber 手機查號軟體在 Apple 及 Android 兩個 App Store 供使用者下載,並開放超過一百個國家的使用者使用,累積下載逾七十萬人。


Join Us

Senoir Algorithm Developer

1. Solve the most challenging recommendation problems across our system and develop core algorithms such as statistical natural language processing, document classification, clustering, topic modeling, information extraction, and other machine learning applications.
2. Dig through large amounts of existing data, find opportunities to collect even more of it, and improve its quality.
3. Deploy the algorithm into product in a practical way with high performance and scalability.
4. Design and develop flexible libraries for core algorithm for other staffs to use.
5. Continuously evaluate the algorithm performance and provide the latest trend of new technology/algorithm.
6. Analyze the pros and cons of different algorithm solutions for ourselves and competitors.
7. Help your peers with easier machine learning related tasks as an expert.
1. 3+ years of experience working in an algorithm team developing machine learning and natural language processing.
2. 5+ years of experience in python/C++ programming.
3. Experience in using machine learning toolkits such as MALLET or MATLAB.
4. Experience in dealing with unstructured data on the web.
5. Familiar with statistic modeling algorithm, e.g. Supported Vector Machine, Hidden Markov Model, Conditional Random Field, or Neural Network.
6. Knowledge of software engineering and design pattern.
7. Flexibilities for working independently and collaboratively.
8. Ability to consult and pass information well.
9. Ability to self-evaluate and adapt to changes quickly.
10. Be creative and passionate.
11. Fluency in both Chinese and English.

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